Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet Rich Plasma

What Is PRP?

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (or PRP) is blood plasma that contains concentrated amounts of platelets and growth factors. The concentrated platelets are rich in bioactive proteins and they work with the growth factors to trigger and accelerate tissue repair.


What Can PRP Be Used For.

Hair loss: We will inject PRP into the scalp to promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. According to researchTrusted Source from 2014, PRP injections are effective in treating androgenic alopecia, which is also known as male pattern baldness.

Tendon injuries: Tendons are tough, thick bands of tissue that connect muscle to bone. They are usually slow to heal after injury. Clinical therapists have used PRP injections to treat chronic tendon problems, such as tennis elbow, Achilles tendonitis at the ankle, and jumper’s knee, or pain in the patellar tendon in the knee.

Acute injuries: Clinic therapists have used PRP injections to treat acute sports injuries, such as pulled hamstring muscles or knee sprains.

Postsurgical repair: Sometimes therapists use PRP injections after surgery to repair a torn tendon (such as a rotator cuff tendon in the shoulder) or ligaments (such as the anterior cruciate ligament, or ACL).

Osteoarthritis: Therapists have injected PRP into the knees of people with osteoarthritis. A 2015 study Trusted Source found that PRP injections were more effective than hyaluronic acid injections (a traditional therapy) for treating osteoarthritis.  

How It Works.

Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP for short; a facial rejuvenation aesthetic procedure that’s been gaining a lot of exposure recently; athletes, executives and Hollywood actors all swear by this treatment to reduce wrinkles, rejuvenate the face and fight off aging signs.

PRP facials can:

Smooth out wrinkles around the eyes
Make wrinkles on or around the lips disappear
Hide acne scars and marks
Eliminate wrinkles on the forehead
Reduce wrinkles on the neck
Diminish bags and dark circles under the eyes
Produce long-lasting results
Platelet Rich Plasma uses your body’s own platelets to bolster collagen production, resulting in younger-looking skin.

The procedure starts with a simple blood draw. The blood is then put in a special centrifuge, which separates platelets and other growth factors in the blood; these growth factors help encourage facial rejuvenation.

The mix of platelets and growth factors is then injected and applied into areas of the face affected by aging. It’s that simple.
Is Platelet Rich Plasma Painful?
The majority of clients who undergo this procedure experience only mild discomfort associated with the injections.

What’s the Recovery Process Like?

There is no downtime at all with this procedure. Once complete, you can go about your day as usual. There can be slight irritation that should subside within 24 hours; the face can become red and swollen. Because the procedure uses your own blood, there is a little-to-no risk of an allergic reaction.

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